2023 Program
Select a tab below to view the corresponding program. Main meeting room assignments are at the top of each program. Additional room assignments are in the far right column.
Select a tab below to view the corresponding program. Main meeting room assignments are at the top of each program. Additional room assignments are in the far right column.
THURSDAY, February 2, 2023
ROOM: ALHAMBRA D (*Program is subject to change) |
7:00 AM | 5:00 PM | Name Badge Pick-up & Onsite Registration | ALHAMBRA FOYER |
7:30 AM | 8:30 AM | Continental Breakfast and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 1: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. Grube, de Brito, Salerno, Ferreira, Cohen and Albuquerque |
8:30 AM | 8:35 AM | Welcome and Introduction Miami Valves 2023 | Eduardo de Marchena, M.D. |
8:35 AM | 8:50 AM | Transcatheter Therapy for Structural Heart Disease: Year in Review | Eduardo de Marchena, M.D. |
8:50 AM | 9:05 AM | Concept to Reality | Jeffrey Popma, M.D. |
9:05 AM | 9:20 AM | TAVR 2023: Current State and Future Directions, My Crystal Ball for the Next Decade | Eberhard Grube, M.D. |
9:20 AM | 9:30 AM | ViV TAVR Snare | Venkatesh Alapati, M.D. |
9:30 AM | 9:40 AM | TAVR in Rheumatic AS | Fabio de Brito, M.D. |
9:40 AM | 9:50 AM | Difficult Femoral Access | Matthew Borkovich, M.D. |
9:50 AM | 10:00 AM | Discussion | |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 2: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. Alfonso
Panel: Drs. de Marchena, O’Neill, de Brito, Villablanca, Dager, Dyal and Tang |
10:30 AM | 10:45 AM | Status of Non Femoral TAVR | William O’Neill, M.D. |
10:45 AM | 11:00 AM | Complex Carotid Valve-in-Valve | Walid Ibrahim, M.D. |
11:00 AM | 11:15 AM | Transcaval Case | Pedro Villablanca, M.D. |
11:15 AM | 11:30 AM | Percutaneous Single Access Subclavian TAVR | Fabio de Brito, M.D. |
11:30 AM | 11:45 AM | Upstream TAVR | Nicolas Van Meighem, M.D. |
11:45 AM | 12:00 PM | What I Have Learned from TAVR Explants | Gilbert Tang, M.D. |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Lunch and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 3: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. Cohen
Panel: Drs. de Marchena, Schob, Palacios, Witzke, Braghiroli, Garcia, Villablanca and Salerno |
1:30 PM | 1:45 PM | How to Move Forward With Protected TAVR With Neuro Protection | Nicolas Van Meighem, M.D. |
1:45 PM | 2:00 PM | Bioprosthetic Valve Fracture | Santiago Garcia, M.D. |
2:00 PM | 2:10 PM | TAVR: New Valves | Eberhard Grube, M.D. |
2:10 PM | 2:20 PM | How to Optimize TAVR With Cusp Overlap Technique | Gilbert Tang, M.D. |
2:20 PM | 2:30 PM | Intraprocedural Core VIV/Bicuspid AS | Venkatesh Alapati, M.D. |
2:30 PM | 2:40 PM | Aortic Insufficiency New Approaches | Antonio Dager, M.D. |
2:40 PM | 2:50 PM | TAVR for Acute AI from Endocarditis | Kat Li, M.D. |
2:50 PM | 3:00 PM | ViV for Severe AI on LAVA ECMO | Pedro Villablanca, M.D. |
3:00 PM | 3:30 PM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 4: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. O’Neill, Witzke, Dager, Gomez, Rengifo-Moreno, Grube, Garcia and Diaz |
An Afternoon of Best Cases from the Americas – Part 1 | |||
3:30 PM | 3:40 PM | Iatrogenic VSD Closure | Bertrand Ebner, M.D. |
3:40 PM | 3:50 PM | Mitral Paravalvular Leak | Napatt Kanjanahattakij, M.D. |
3:50 PM | 4:00 PM | MitraClip Through Amplatzer | Pedro Engel, M.D. |
4:00 PM | 4:10 PM | Shockwave in MAC | Santiago Garcia, M.D. |
4:10 PM | 4:20 PM | Alcohol Septal Ablation for Suicide Ventricle | Victor Becerra-Gonzalez, M.D. |
4:20 PM | 4:30 PM | Single Access Left Subclavian LM PCI and TAVR | Sibi Krishnamurthy, M.D. |
4:30 PM | 4:40 PM | Ruptured Balloon in TAVR | Tawseef Dar, M.D. |
4:40 PM | 4:50 PM | Sub Aortic Membrane With Evolut | Jafar Alzubi, M.D. |
4:50 PM | 5:00 PM | Double BASILICA | Claudia Lama von Buchwald, M.D. |
5:00 PM | Day One Adjourns | ||
5:30 PM | 7:30 PM | Networking Reception and Award Ceremony in Honor of Robert Myerburg, M.D. | EVENT LAWN, LEVEL 9 |
Friday, February 3, 2023
ROOM: ALHAMBRA D (*Program is subject to change) |
7:30 AM | 5:00 PM | Name Badge Pick-up & Onsite Registration | ALHAMBRA FOYER |
7:30 AM | 8:30 AM | Continental Breakfast and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 5: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. Alfonso, Lamelas, Kar, Palacios, Piazza, Latib, Allende and Quesada |
Welcome and Introduction | Eduardo de Marchena, M.D. | ||
8:30 AM | 9:00 AM | Keynote Address: 50 Years of Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention – Progress, Promises and Pitfalls | Robert Myerburg, M.D. |
9:00 AM | 9:10 AM | Mitral Valve Repair: State of the Art | Joseph Lamelas, M.D. |
9:10 AM | 9:20 AM | Multi-Modality Imaging of Mitral Valve | Nicolo Piazza, M.D. |
9:20 AM | 9:30 AM | What’s Next With Edge to Edge Repair | Saibal Kar, M.D. |
9:30 AM | 9:40 AM | New Edge to Edge Repair Devices | Ignacio Inglessis, M.D. |
9:40 AM | 9:50 AM | How to Handle Complications of TEER | Ramon Quesada, M.D. |
9:50 AM | 10:00 AM | Valve in MAC TMVR and PV Closure | Nikolaos Spilias, M.D. |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 6: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. Cavalcante, Kar, Garcia, Lasala, Palacios, Ferriera and Maini |
10:30 AM | 10:45 AM | The Process of Investigator Sponsored Research to Move Advances in Cardiology | Rafael Cavalcante, M.D. |
10:45 AM | 11:00 AM | What’s Next for Mitral Valve | Igor Palacios, M.D. |
11:00 AM | 11:10 AM | Investigational Staged Transeptal TMVR 4 | Nicolo Piazza, M.D. |
11:10 AM | 11:20 AM | Investigational TMVR 2 | Ignacio Inglessis, M.D. |
11:20 AM | 11:30 AM | Investigational Staged Transeptal TMVR 3 | Santiago Garcia, M.D. |
11:30 AM | 11:40 AM | Investigational TMVR 1 | Saibal Kar, M.D. |
11:40 AM | 12:00 PM | Multi-Modality Imaging of Tricuspid Valve | Nicolo Piazza, M.D. |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
12:15 PM | 1:15 PM | Lunch Symposium Sponsored by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (NON-CME) | ALHAMBRA A |
Plenary Session 7: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. O’Neill, Maini, Latib, Ho and Alfonso |
1:30 PM | 1:45 PM | Mitral Paravalvular Leak | John Lasala, M.D. |
1:45 PM | 2:00 PM | Tricuspid Valve: Where Are We? | Azeem Latib, M.D. |
2:00 PM | 2:10 PM | Tricuspid Edge to Edge Repair | Brijeshwar Maini, M.D. |
2:10 PM | 2:20 PM | TTVR 1 | William O’Neill, M.D. |
2:20 PM | 2:30 PM | TTVR 2 | Paul Sorajja, M.D. |
2:30 PM | 2:40 PM | ICE for Tricuspid | Edwin Ho, M.D. |
2:40 PM | 2:50 PM | TMVR/TTVR Case | Diego Gonzalez-Bravo, M.D. |
2:50 PM | 3:00 PM | Tricuspid VIV | Anibal Damonte, M.D. |
3:00 PM | 3:30 PM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 8: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. Gomez
Panel: Drs. de Marchena, Mendoza, Dager, Ebner, Grube, Allende and de Brito |
An Afternoon of Best Cases from the Americas – Part 2 | |||
3:30 PM | 3:45 PM | How to Train the Interventional Structuralist in the Future | Eberhard Grube, M.D. |
3:45 PM | 3:55 PM | Case 1: Mitral VIV & PVL Closure With Concomitant ASD Closure | Fabio de Brito, M.D. |
3:55 PM | 4:05 PM | Case 2: Surgical Aortic Valve Deterioration Treatment With VIV | Ricardo Allende, M.D. |
4:05 PM | 4:15 PM | Case 3: TricValve Implantation for Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation | Jorge Sandoval, M.D. |
4:15 PM | 4:25 PM | Case 4: TAVR for Severe AS and Low EF | Antonio Dager, M.D. |
4:25 PM | 4:35 PM | Case 5: Angiovac Aspiration | Venkatesh Alapati, M.D. |
4:35 PM | 4:45 PM | Case 6: Apical VSD Post Infarction Closure | Pablo Rengifo-Moreno, M.S. |
4:45 PM | 5:00 PM | Case 7: Left Sided Angiovac, ECMO, VIV TMVR, VIV TAVR | Jose Barrientos, M.D. |
5:00 PM | Day Two Adjourns | ||
Saturday, February 4, 2023
ROOM: ALHAMBRA D (*Program is subject to change) |
7:30 AM | 1:30 PM | Name Badge Pick-up & Onsite Registration | ALHAMBRA FOYER |
7:30 AM | 8:30 AM | Continental Breakfast and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 9: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. de Brito, Inglessis, Maini, Villablanca, Schob and Sandhu |
Welcome and Introduction | |||
8:30 AM | 8:45 AM | LAA Closure: Where Are We and Where Are We Going? | Vivek Reddy, M.D. |
8:45 AM | 8:55 AM | LAA Device Comparison 1 | Saibal Kar, M.D. |
8:55 AM | 9:05 AM | LAA Device Comparison 2 | Ignacio Cruz, M.D. |
9:05 AM | 9:15 AM | LAA Device Comparison 3 | Fabio de Brito, M.D. |
9:15 AM | 9:25 AM | Challenging Case With ICE | Venkatesh Alapati, M.D. |
9:25 AM | 9:35 AM | Challenging Case #1: Sinus of Valsalva Rupture to Right Atrium Repair | Satinder Sandhu, M.D. |
9:35 AM | 9:45 AM | Challenging Case #2: Transeptal | Venkatesh Alapati, M.D. |
9:45 AM | 10:00 AM | What’s New in Renal Denervation? | Sergio Perez, M.D. |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 10: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. Ebner, O’Neill, Topaz and Latib |
New Cardiovascular Innovations | |||
10:30 AM | 10:40 AM | New Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device | Saibal Kar, M.D. |
10:40 AM | 10:50 AM | New Tricuspid Annuloplasty Device | William O’Neill, M.D. |
10:50 AM | 11:00 AM | Mitral Annular Reduction | Adrian Ebner, M.D. |
11:00 AM | 11:10 AM | New Coronary Laser Device | On Topaz, M.D. |
11:10 AM | 11:20 AM | Novel Transeptal Mitral Valve | Santiago Garcia, M.D. |
11:20 AM | 11:30 AM | Novel Low Profile TAVR Valve | Eberhard Grube, M.D. |
11:30 AM | 11:40 AM | New Transeptal Mitral Valve | Akeem Latib, M.D. |
11:40 AM | 11:50 AM | Update on Temporary AV Sequential Lead | Christian Marin y Kall, M.D. |
11:50 AM | 12:00 PM | Virtual Training for Coronary Intervention | Yiannis Chatzizisis, M.D. |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Lunch and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 11: Oral Abstacts and Awards | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Judges: Drs. Alfonso, Llanos, Palacios and Topaz |
1:30 PM | 1:35 PM | Oral Abstract Presentation | |
1:35 PM | 1:40 PM | Oral Abstract Presentation | |
1:40 PM | 1:45 PM | Oral Abstract Presentation | |
1:45 PM | 1:50 PM | Oral Abstract Presentation | |
1:50 PM | 1:55 PM | Oral Abstract Presentation | |
1:55 PM | 2:00 PM | Abstract Awards and Closing Remarks | |
2:00 PM | Conference Adjourns |
Thursday, FEBRUARY 2, 2023 |
Heart Failure Symposium
*Program subject to change. |
Moderator: Dr. Grazette | ||
1:45 PM | 1:50 PM | Welcome and Introduction | Luanda Grazette, M.D. |
1:50 PM | 2:05 PM | Evolution of the Management of Cardiogenic Shock | David Baran, M.D. |
2:05 PM | 2:20 PM | Device Utilization in CS: What and When? | Rohan Goswami, M.D. |
2:20 PM | 2:35 PM | Cardiorenal Syndrome and Renal Protection: Fact vs. Fiction | Mrudula Munagala, M.D. |
2:35 PM | 2:50 PM | Implementation of the Shock Team | Rohan Goswami, M.D. |
2:50 PM | 3:00 PM | Cases and Panel Discussion | Miguel Martillo Correa, M.D. |
3:00 PM | 3:30 PM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Heart Failure Symposium | Moderator: Dr. Grazette | ||
3:30 PM | 3:50 PM | 30 Years of HF Therapy | Joshua Hare, M.D. |
3:50 PM | 4:10 PM | Cardiac Recovery and Remission | Luanda Grazette, M.D. |
4:10 PM | 4:30 PM | Barostim and Optimizer in Management of Heart Failure | David Kenigsberg, M.D. |
4:30 PM | 4:50 PM | Barostim Therapy Surgical Considerations | Tony Shao, M.D. |
4:50 PM | 5:00 PM | Cases and Panel Discussion | Christopher Chow, M.D. |
(Keynote Address will be held in ALHAMBRA D.)
Friday, FEBRUARY 3, 2023 | |||
Section 1: Patients With Channelopathies That Can Cause SCD – What Does the Clinician Need to Know
*Program is subject to change. |
Moderators: Drs. Krahn and Mitrani | ||
8:30 AM | 9:00 AM | Keynote Lecture: 50 Years of Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention: Progress, Promises and Pitfalls
Robert J. Myerburg, M.D. |
Welcome and Introduction | |||
9:00 AM | 9:15 AM | Idiopathic VF | Oholi Tovia-Brodie, M.D. |
9:15 AM | 9:30 AM | CPVT: The One Thing That Scares Me in the Inherited Arrhythmia Clinic! | Andrew Krahn, M.D. |
9:30 AM | 9:45 AM | The Risk ECG Features for Brugada and Early Repolarization Syndromes | Melvin Scheinman, M.D. |
9:45 AM | 10:00 AM | Update on Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy | Hugh Calkins, M.D. |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Section 2: Risk Stratification of SCD in Different Subsets | Moderators: Drs. Goldberger and Lambrakos | ||
10:30 AM | 10:45 AM | SCD Prevention: Highlights of 45 Years’ Research Collaboration Between Miami and Oulu Cardiac Research Teams | Heikki Huikuri, M.D. |
10:45 AM | 11:00 AM | Risk Stratification for SCD: Can We Predict the Future? | Jeffrey Goldberger, M.D. |
11:00 AM | 11:15 AM | Myocardial Disease in SCD – The Dynamic Nature of Risk | Juhani Junttila, M.D. |
11:15 AM | 11:30 AM | PharmacoGenetics and Risk of SCD | Dan Roden, M.D. |
11:30 AM | 11:45 AM | How to Prevent Sudden Death in HCM: Really Still The Most Common Cause of Cardiac Arrest in the Young? | Barry J. Maron, M.D. |
11:45 AM | 12:00 PM | Risk Stratification in Patients With Long QT | Mina Chung, M.D. |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
12:15 PM | 1:15 PM | Lunch Symposium Sponsored by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (NON-CME) | ALHAMBRA A |
Section 3: Advances in Therapeutics to Prevent SCD | Moderator: Drs. Goldberger and Velasquez | ||
1:30 PM | 1:50 PM | Role of Catheter Ablation of PVCs to Prevent SCD | Alex Velasquez, M.D. |
1:50 PM | 2:10 PM | Role of Catheter Ablation in Patients With Refractory Ventricular Tachycardia | Vivek Reddy, M.D. |
2:10 PM | 2:30 PM | Evolution of ICD Therapy: 50 Years of Progress | Sanjeev Saksena, M.D. |
2:30 PM | 2:50 PM | Device-based Therapy for the 21st Century and Beyond | Charles Swerdlow, M.D. |
2:50 PM | 3:00 PM | Discussion | |
3:00 PM | 3:30 PM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Section 4: SCD – Advances in Diagnosis and Management | Moderators: Drs. Lambrakos and Maron | ||
3:30 PM | 3:45 PM | Cell-based Therapy for Patients With Heart Failure: Implications for Ventricular Arrhythmias and SCD | Joshua Hare, M.D. |
3:45 PM | 4:00 PM | Role of Cardiac MRI in Risk Stratification of Patients | Yoel Siegel, M.D. |
4:00 PM | 4:15 PM | Role of Wearable Defibrillator in Prevention of SCD | Alex Velasquez, M.D. |
4:15 PM | 4:30 PM | Gender and Racial Disparities in SCD Prevention | Litsa Lambrakos, M.D. |
4:30 PM | 4:45 PM | Update on Resuscitation Medicine – Can We Improve Survival? | Chaitra Mohan, M.D. |
4:45 PM | 4:55 PM | Commotio Cordis: A Rare Cause of Sudden Cardiac Arrest | Harold Rivner, M.D. |
4:55 PM | 5:00 PM | Discussion | |
Saturday, FEBRUARY 4, 2023 | |||
PCI Symposium
ROOM: ALHAMBRA C (*Program is subject to change) |
Moderator: Dr. Cohen
Panel: Drs. Alfonso, Dyal, O’Neill, Anderson, Gilchrist, Lasala, Chatzizisis and Schob |
8:30 AM | 8:35 AM | Welcome and Introduction | Mauricio Cohen, M.D. |
8:35 AM | 8:50 AM | STEMI With Multivessel CAD – Immediate or Staged Revascularization? | Ian Gilchrist, M.D. |
8:50 AM | 9:05 AM | Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Calcified Lesions | David Anderson, M.D. |
9:05 AM | 9:20 AM | Clinical Case – LM/Bifurcation Lesion | Napatt Kanjanahattakij, M.D. |
9:20 AM | 9:35 AM | Clinical Case – ACS | Diego Gonzalez-Bravo, M.D. |
Cardiogenic Shock | |||
9:35 AM | 9:45 AM | Step-by-Step Approach to Cardiogenic Shock | William O’Neill, M.D. |
9:45 AM | 10:00 AM | Mechanical Support Case | Walid Ibrahim, M.D. |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
PCI Symposium
ROOM: ALHAMBRA C (*Program is subject to change) |
Moderator: Dr. Cohen
Panel: Drs. Gomez, Perez, Chatzizisis, Gilchrist and Dyal |
Coronary Interventions | |||
10:30 AM | 10:45 AM | Revascularization and Survival: What’s New in the Guidelines? | Mauricio Cohen, M.D. |
10:45 AM | 11:00 AM | Optimizing Bifurcation LM PCI Strategy and Outcomes | Yiannis Chatzizisis, M.D., Ph.D. |
11:00 AM | 11:15 AM | Physiology versus Imaging…or Both | Michael Dyal, M.D. |
11:15 AM | 11:30 AM | PE Interventions: Patient and Device Selection | Saramaria Afanador Castiblanco, M.D. |
11:30 AM | 11:45 AM | CTO Intervention: Is it Worth the Effort? | Carlos Alfonso, M.D. |
11:45 AM | 12:00 PM | Complex PCI (CTO) – Case | Diego Gonzalez-Bravo, M.D. |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Lunch and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Thursday, Feb. 2 |
2:00-3:00 p.m. | Workshop: Bifurcation PCI: Tips and Tricks Enhanced by Simulation
Room:Riviera A Instructor: Yiannis S. Chatzizisis, MD, PhD Description: Attendees will be instructed in various techniques and ways to optimize bifurcation PCI |
3:30-4:30 p.m. | Workshop: CTO
Room: Riviera B Instructors: Carlos Alfonso, MD and Michael Dyal, MD Description: Attendees will instructed in advanced techniques and troubleshooting in CTO PCI |
Friday, Feb. 3 |
9:00-10:00 a.m. | Workshop: Transcatheter Edge to Edge Repair
Room: Riviera A Instructors: Joao Braghiroli, MD and Felipe Albuquerque, MD Description: Attendees will be instructed in the equipment and steps of transcatheter edge to edge mitral valve repair with MitraClip device and instructed on trouble shooting difficult mitral anatomies. |
10:30-11:30 a.m. | Workshop: ICE
Room: Riviera B Instructors: Edwin Ho, MD and Elliot Elias, MD Description: Attendees will be instructued in using 3D and 4D ICE imaging for LAA, mitral and tricuspid interventions. |
2:00-3:00 p.m. | Workshop: PERT
Room: Riviera A Instructors: Carlos Alfonso, MD, Mauricio Cohen, MD and Gabriel Hernandez, MD Description: Attendees will be instructed in various techniques and interventions for pulmonary embolism. |
3:30-4:30 p.m. | Workshop: Left Atrial Appendage Closure
Room: Riviera B Instructors: Brijeshwar Maini, MD and Ramon Quesada, MD Description: Attendees will be instructed in equipment and steps of left atrial appendage closure with various devices, and instructed on trouble shooting on various difficult left atrial anatomies. |
THURSDAY, February 2, 2023
ROOM: ALHAMBRA D (*Program is subject to change) |
7:00 AM | 5:00 PM | Name Badge Pick-up & Onsite Registration | ALHAMBRA FOYER |
7:30 AM | 8:30 AM | Continental Breakfast and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 1: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. Grube, de Brito, Salerno, Ferreira, Cohen and Albuquerque |
8:30 AM | 8:35 AM | Welcome and Introduction Miami Valves 2023 | Eduardo de Marchena, M.D. |
8:35 AM | 8:50 AM | Transcatheter Therapy for Structural Heart Disease: Year in Review | Eduardo de Marchena, M.D. |
8:50 AM | 9:05 AM | Concept to Reality | Jeffrey Popma, M.D. |
9:05 AM | 9:20 AM | TAVR 2023: Current State and Future Directions, My Crystal Ball for the Next Decade | Eberhard Grube, M.D. |
9:20 AM | 9:30 AM | ViV TAVR Snare | Venkatesh Alapati, M.D. |
9:30 AM | 9:40 AM | TAVR in Rheumatic AS | Fabio de Brito, M.D. |
9:40 AM | 9:50 AM | Difficult Femoral Access | Matthew Borkovich, M.D. |
9:50 AM | 10:00 AM | Discussion | |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 2: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. Alfonso
Panel: Drs. de Marchena, O’Neill, de Brito, Villablanca, Dager, Dyal and Tang |
10:30 AM | 10:45 AM | Status of Non Femoral TAVR | William O’Neill, M.D. |
10:45 AM | 11:00 AM | Complex Carotid Valve-in-Valve | Walid Ibrahim, M.D. |
11:00 AM | 11:15 AM | Transcaval Case | Pedro Villablanca, M.D. |
11:15 AM | 11:30 AM | Percutaneous Single Access Subclavian TAVR | Fabio de Brito, M.D. |
11:30 AM | 11:45 AM | Upstream TAVR | Nicolas Van Meighem, M.D. |
11:45 AM | 12:00 PM | What I Have Learned from TAVR Explants | Gilbert Tang, M.D. |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Lunch and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 3: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. Cohen
Panel: Drs. de Marchena, Schob, Palacios, Witzke, Braghiroli, Garcia, Villablanca and Salerno |
1:30 PM | 1:45 PM | How to Move Forward With Protected TAVR With Neuro Protection | Nicolas Van Meighem, M.D. |
1:45 PM | 2:00 PM | Bioprosthetic Valve Fracture | Santiago Garcia, M.D. |
2:00 PM | 2:10 PM | TAVR: New Valves | Eberhard Grube, M.D. |
2:10 PM | 2:20 PM | How to Optimize TAVR With Cusp Overlap Technique | Gilbert Tang, M.D. |
2:20 PM | 2:30 PM | Intraprocedural Core VIV/Bicuspid AS | Venkatesh Alapati, M.D. |
2:30 PM | 2:40 PM | Aortic Insufficiency New Approaches | Antonio Dager, M.D. |
2:40 PM | 2:50 PM | TAVR for Acute AI from Endocarditis | Kat Li, M.D. |
2:50 PM | 3:00 PM | ViV for Severe AI on LAVA ECMO | Pedro Villablanca, M.D. |
3:00 PM | 3:30 PM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 4: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. O’Neill, Witzke, Dager, Gomez, Rengifo-Moreno, Grube, Garcia and Diaz |
An Afternoon of Best Cases from the Americas – Part 1 | |||
3:30 PM | 3:40 PM | Iatrogenic VSD Closure | Bertrand Ebner, M.D. |
3:40 PM | 3:50 PM | Mitral Paravalvular Leak | Napatt Kanjanahattakij, M.D. |
3:50 PM | 4:00 PM | MitraClip Through Amplatzer | Pedro Engel, M.D. |
4:00 PM | 4:10 PM | Shockwave in MAC | Santiago Garcia, M.D. |
4:10 PM | 4:20 PM | Alcohol Septal Ablation for Suicide Ventricle | Victor Becerra-Gonzalez, M.D. |
4:20 PM | 4:30 PM | Single Access Left Subclavian LM PCI and TAVR | Sibi Krishnamurthy, M.D. |
4:30 PM | 4:40 PM | Ruptured Balloon in TAVR | Tawseef Dar, M.D. |
4:40 PM | 4:50 PM | Sub Aortic Membrane With Evolut | Jafar Alzubi, M.D. |
4:50 PM | 5:00 PM | Double BASILICA | Claudia Lama von Buchwald, M.D. |
5:00 PM | Day One Adjourns | ||
5:30 PM | 7:30 PM | Networking Reception and Award Ceremony in Honor of Robert Myerburg, M.D. | EVENT LAWN, LEVEL 9 |
Friday, February 3, 2023
ROOM: ALHAMBRA D (*Program is subject to change) |
7:30 AM | 5:00 PM | Name Badge Pick-up & Onsite Registration | ALHAMBRA FOYER |
7:30 AM | 8:30 AM | Continental Breakfast and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 5: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. Alfonso, Lamelas, Kar, Palacios, Piazza, Latib, Allende and Quesada |
Welcome and Introduction | Eduardo de Marchena, M.D. | ||
8:30 AM | 9:00 AM | Keynote Address: 50 Years of Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention – Progress, Promises and Pitfalls | Robert Myerburg, M.D. |
9:00 AM | 9:10 AM | Mitral Valve Repair: State of the Art | Joseph Lamelas, M.D. |
9:10 AM | 9:20 AM | Multi-Modality Imaging of Mitral Valve | Nicolo Piazza, M.D. |
9:20 AM | 9:30 AM | What’s Next With Edge to Edge Repair | Saibal Kar, M.D. |
9:30 AM | 9:40 AM | New Edge to Edge Repair Devices | Ignacio Inglessis, M.D. |
9:40 AM | 9:50 AM | How to Handle Complications of TEER | Ramon Quesada, M.D. |
9:50 AM | 10:00 AM | Valve in MAC TMVR and PV Closure | Nikolaos Spilias, M.D. |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 6: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. Cavalcante, Kar, Garcia, Lasala, Palacios, Ferriera and Maini |
10:30 AM | 10:45 AM | The Process of Investigator Sponsored Research to Move Advances in Cardiology | Rafael Cavalcante, M.D. |
10:45 AM | 11:00 AM | What’s Next for Mitral Valve | Igor Palacios, M.D. |
11:00 AM | 11:10 AM | Investigational Staged Transeptal TMVR 4 | Nicolo Piazza, M.D. |
11:10 AM | 11:20 AM | Investigational TMVR 2 | Ignacio Inglessis, M.D. |
11:20 AM | 11:30 AM | Investigational Staged Transeptal TMVR 3 | Santiago Garcia, M.D. |
11:30 AM | 11:40 AM | Investigational TMVR 1 | Saibal Kar, M.D. |
11:40 AM | 12:00 PM | Multi-Modality Imaging of Tricuspid Valve | Nicolo Piazza, M.D. |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
12:15 PM | 1:15 PM | Lunch Symposium Sponsored by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (NON-CME) | ALHAMBRA A |
Plenary Session 7: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. O’Neill, Maini, Latib, Ho and Alfonso |
1:30 PM | 1:45 PM | Mitral Paravalvular Leak | John Lasala, M.D. |
1:45 PM | 2:00 PM | Tricuspid Valve: Where Are We? | Azeem Latib, M.D. |
2:00 PM | 2:10 PM | Tricuspid Edge to Edge Repair | Brijeshwar Maini, M.D. |
2:10 PM | 2:20 PM | TTVR 1 | William O’Neill, M.D. |
2:20 PM | 2:30 PM | TTVR 2 | Paul Sorajja, M.D. |
2:30 PM | 2:40 PM | ICE for Tricuspid | Edwin Ho, M.D. |
2:40 PM | 2:50 PM | TMVR/TTVR Case | Diego Gonzalez-Bravo, M.D. |
2:50 PM | 3:00 PM | Tricuspid VIV | Anibal Damonte, M.D. |
3:00 PM | 3:30 PM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 8: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. Gomez
Panel: Drs. de Marchena, Mendoza, Dager, Ebner, Grube, Allende and de Brito |
An Afternoon of Best Cases from the Americas – Part 2 | |||
3:30 PM | 3:45 PM | How to Train the Interventional Structuralist in the Future | Eberhard Grube, M.D. |
3:45 PM | 3:55 PM | Case 1: Mitral VIV & PVL Closure With Concomitant ASD Closure | Fabio de Brito, M.D. |
3:55 PM | 4:05 PM | Case 2: Surgical Aortic Valve Deterioration Treatment With VIV | Ricardo Allende, M.D. |
4:05 PM | 4:15 PM | Case 3: TricValve Implantation for Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation | Jorge Sandoval, M.D. |
4:15 PM | 4:25 PM | Case 4: TAVR for Severe AS and Low EF | Antonio Dager, M.D. |
4:25 PM | 4:35 PM | Case 5: Angiovac Aspiration | Venkatesh Alapati, M.D. |
4:35 PM | 4:45 PM | Case 6: Apical VSD Post Infarction Closure | Pablo Rengifo-Moreno, M.S. |
4:45 PM | 5:00 PM | Case 7: Left Sided Angiovac, ECMO, VIV TMVR, VIV TAVR | Jose Barrientos, M.D. |
5:00 PM | Day Two Adjourns | ||
Saturday, February 4, 2023
ROOM: ALHAMBRA D (*Program is subject to change) |
7:30 AM | 1:30 PM | Name Badge Pick-up & Onsite Registration | ALHAMBRA FOYER |
7:30 AM | 8:30 AM | Continental Breakfast and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 9: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. de Brito, Inglessis, Maini, Villablanca, Schob and Sandhu |
Welcome and Introduction | |||
8:30 AM | 8:45 AM | LAA Closure: Where Are We and Where Are We Going? | Vivek Reddy, M.D. |
8:45 AM | 8:55 AM | LAA Device Comparison 1 | Saibal Kar, M.D. |
8:55 AM | 9:05 AM | LAA Device Comparison 2 | Ignacio Cruz, M.D. |
9:05 AM | 9:15 AM | LAA Device Comparison 3 | Fabio de Brito, M.D. |
9:15 AM | 9:25 AM | Challenging Case With ICE | Venkatesh Alapati, M.D. |
9:25 AM | 9:35 AM | Challenging Case #1: Sinus of Valsalva Rupture to Right Atrium Repair | Satinder Sandhu, M.D. |
9:35 AM | 9:45 AM | Challenging Case #2: Transeptal | Venkatesh Alapati, M.D. |
9:45 AM | 10:00 AM | What’s New in Renal Denervation? | Sergio Perez, M.D. |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 10: Structural Cardiology | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Panel: Drs. Ebner, O’Neill, Topaz and Latib |
New Cardiovascular Innovations | |||
10:30 AM | 10:40 AM | New Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device | Saibal Kar, M.D. |
10:40 AM | 10:50 AM | New Tricuspid Annuloplasty Device | William O’Neill, M.D. |
10:50 AM | 11:00 AM | Mitral Annular Reduction | Adrian Ebner, M.D. |
11:00 AM | 11:10 AM | New Coronary Laser Device | On Topaz, M.D. |
11:10 AM | 11:20 AM | Novel Transeptal Mitral Valve | Santiago Garcia, M.D. |
11:20 AM | 11:30 AM | Novel Low Profile TAVR Valve | Eberhard Grube, M.D. |
11:30 AM | 11:40 AM | New Transeptal Mitral Valve | Akeem Latib, M.D. |
11:40 AM | 11:50 AM | Update on Temporary AV Sequential Lead | Christian Marin y Kall, M.D. |
11:50 AM | 12:00 PM | Virtual Training for Coronary Intervention | Yiannis Chatzizisis, M.D. |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Lunch and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Plenary Session 11: Oral Abstacts and Awards | Moderator: Dr. de Marchena
Judges: Drs. Alfonso, Llanos, Palacios and Topaz |
1:30 PM | 1:35 PM | Oral Abstract Presentation | |
1:35 PM | 1:40 PM | Oral Abstract Presentation | |
1:40 PM | 1:45 PM | Oral Abstract Presentation | |
1:45 PM | 1:50 PM | Oral Abstract Presentation | |
1:50 PM | 1:55 PM | Oral Abstract Presentation | |
1:55 PM | 2:00 PM | Abstract Awards and Closing Remarks | |
2:00 PM | Conference Adjourns |
Thursday, FEBRUARY 2, 2023 |
Heart Failure Symposium
*Program subject to change. |
Moderator: Dr. Grazette | ||
1:45 PM | 1:50 PM | Welcome and Introduction | Luanda Grazette, M.D. |
1:50 PM | 2:05 PM | Evolution of the Management of Cardiogenic Shock | David Baran, M.D. |
2:05 PM | 2:20 PM | Device Utilization in CS: What and When? | Rohan Goswami, M.D. |
2:20 PM | 2:35 PM | Cardiorenal Syndrome and Renal Protection: Fact vs. Fiction | Mrudula Munagala, M.D. |
2:35 PM | 2:50 PM | Implementation of the Shock Team | Rohan Goswami, M.D. |
2:50 PM | 3:00 PM | Cases and Panel Discussion | Miguel Martillo Correa, M.D. |
3:00 PM | 3:30 PM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Heart Failure Symposium | Moderator: Dr. Grazette | ||
3:30 PM | 3:50 PM | 30 Years of HF Therapy | Joshua Hare, M.D. |
3:50 PM | 4:10 PM | Cardiac Recovery and Remission | Luanda Grazette, M.D. |
4:10 PM | 4:30 PM | Barostim and Optimizer in Management of Heart Failure | David Kenigsberg, M.D. |
4:30 PM | 4:50 PM | Barostim Therapy Surgical Considerations | Tony Shao, M.D. |
4:50 PM | 5:00 PM | Cases and Panel Discussion | Christopher Chow, M.D. |
(Keynote Address will be held in ALHAMBRA D.)
Friday, FEBRUARY 3, 2023 | |||
Section 1: Patients With Channelopathies That Can Cause SCD – What Does the Clinician Need to Know
*Program is subject to change. |
Moderators: Drs. Krahn and Mitrani | ||
8:30 AM | 9:00 AM | Keynote Lecture: 50 Years of Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention: Progress, Promises and Pitfalls
Robert J. Myerburg, M.D. |
Welcome and Introduction | |||
9:00 AM | 9:15 AM | Idiopathic VF | Oholi Tovia-Brodie, M.D. |
9:15 AM | 9:30 AM | CPVT: The One Thing That Scares Me in the Inherited Arrhythmia Clinic! | Andrew Krahn, M.D. |
9:30 AM | 9:45 AM | The Risk ECG Features for Brugada and Early Repolarization Syndromes | Melvin Scheinman, M.D. |
9:45 AM | 10:00 AM | Update on Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy | Hugh Calkins, M.D. |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Section 2: Risk Stratification of SCD in Different Subsets | Moderators: Drs. Goldberger and Lambrakos | ||
10:30 AM | 10:45 AM | SCD Prevention: Highlights of 45 Years’ Research Collaboration Between Miami and Oulu Cardiac Research Teams | Heikki Huikuri, M.D. |
10:45 AM | 11:00 AM | Risk Stratification for SCD: Can We Predict the Future? | Jeffrey Goldberger, M.D. |
11:00 AM | 11:15 AM | Myocardial Disease in SCD – The Dynamic Nature of Risk | Juhani Junttila, M.D. |
11:15 AM | 11:30 AM | PharmacoGenetics and Risk of SCD | Dan Roden, M.D. |
11:30 AM | 11:45 AM | How to Prevent Sudden Death in HCM: Really Still The Most Common Cause of Cardiac Arrest in the Young? | Barry J. Maron, M.D. |
11:45 AM | 12:00 PM | Risk Stratification in Patients With Long QT | Mina Chung, M.D. |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
12:15 PM | 1:15 PM | Lunch Symposium Sponsored by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (NON-CME) | ALHAMBRA A |
Section 3: Advances in Therapeutics to Prevent SCD | Moderator: Drs. Goldberger and Velasquez | ||
1:30 PM | 1:50 PM | Role of Catheter Ablation of PVCs to Prevent SCD | Alex Velasquez, M.D. |
1:50 PM | 2:10 PM | Role of Catheter Ablation in Patients With Refractory Ventricular Tachycardia | Vivek Reddy, M.D. |
2:10 PM | 2:30 PM | Evolution of ICD Therapy: 50 Years of Progress | Sanjeev Saksena, M.D. |
2:30 PM | 2:50 PM | Device-based Therapy for the 21st Century and Beyond | Charles Swerdlow, M.D. |
2:50 PM | 3:00 PM | Discussion | |
3:00 PM | 3:30 PM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Section 4: SCD – Advances in Diagnosis and Management | Moderators: Drs. Lambrakos and Maron | ||
3:30 PM | 3:45 PM | Cell-based Therapy for Patients With Heart Failure: Implications for Ventricular Arrhythmias and SCD | Joshua Hare, M.D. |
3:45 PM | 4:00 PM | Role of Cardiac MRI in Risk Stratification of Patients | Yoel Siegel, M.D. |
4:00 PM | 4:15 PM | Role of Wearable Defibrillator in Prevention of SCD | Alex Velasquez, M.D. |
4:15 PM | 4:30 PM | Gender and Racial Disparities in SCD Prevention | Litsa Lambrakos, M.D. |
4:30 PM | 4:45 PM | Update on Resuscitation Medicine – Can We Improve Survival? | Chaitra Mohan, M.D. |
4:45 PM | 4:55 PM | Commotio Cordis: A Rare Cause of Sudden Cardiac Arrest | Harold Rivner, M.D. |
4:55 PM | 5:00 PM | Discussion | |
Saturday, FEBRUARY 4, 2023 | |||
PCI Symposium
ROOM: ALHAMBRA C (*Program is subject to change) |
Moderator: Dr. Cohen
Panel: Drs. Alfonso, Dyal, O’Neill, Anderson, Gilchrist, Lasala, Chatzizisis and Schob |
8:30 AM | 8:35 AM | Welcome and Introduction | Mauricio Cohen, M.D. |
8:35 AM | 8:50 AM | STEMI With Multivessel CAD – Immediate or Staged Revascularization? | Ian Gilchrist, M.D. |
8:50 AM | 9:05 AM | Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Calcified Lesions | David Anderson, M.D. |
9:05 AM | 9:20 AM | Clinical Case – LM/Bifurcation Lesion | Napatt Kanjanahattakij, M.D. |
9:20 AM | 9:35 AM | Clinical Case – ACS | Diego Gonzalez-Bravo, M.D. |
Cardiogenic Shock | |||
9:35 AM | 9:45 AM | Step-by-Step Approach to Cardiogenic Shock | William O’Neill, M.D. |
9:45 AM | 10:00 AM | Mechanical Support Case | Walid Ibrahim, M.D. |
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
PCI Symposium
ROOM: ALHAMBRA C (*Program is subject to change) |
Moderator: Dr. Cohen
Panel: Drs. Gomez, Perez, Chatzizisis, Gilchrist and Dyal |
Coronary Interventions | |||
10:30 AM | 10:45 AM | Revascularization and Survival: What’s New in the Guidelines? | Mauricio Cohen, M.D. |
10:45 AM | 11:00 AM | Optimizing Bifurcation LM PCI Strategy and Outcomes | Yiannis Chatzizisis, M.D., Ph.D. |
11:00 AM | 11:15 AM | Physiology versus Imaging…or Both | Michael Dyal, M.D. |
11:15 AM | 11:30 AM | PE Interventions: Patient and Device Selection | Saramaria Afanador Castiblanco, M.D. |
11:30 AM | 11:45 AM | CTO Intervention: Is it Worth the Effort? | Carlos Alfonso, M.D. |
11:45 AM | 12:00 PM | Complex PCI (CTO) – Case | Diego Gonzalez-Bravo, M.D. |
12:00 PM | 1:30 PM | Lunch and Visit Exhibits | ALHAMBRA E |
Thursday, Feb. 2 |
2:00-3:00 p.m. | Workshop: Bifurcation PCI: Tips and Tricks Enhanced by Simulation
Room:Riviera A Instructor: Yiannis S. Chatzizisis, MD, PhD Description: Attendees will be instructed in various techniques and ways to optimize bifurcation PCI |
3:30-4:30 p.m. | Workshop: CTO
Room: Riviera B Instructors: Carlos Alfonso, MD and Michael Dyal, MD Description: Attendees will instructed in advanced techniques and troubleshooting in CTO PCI |
Friday, Feb. 3 |
9:00-10:00 a.m. | Workshop: Transcatheter Edge to Edge Repair
Room: Riviera A Instructors: Joao Braghiroli, MD and Felipe Albuquerque, MD Description: Attendees will be instructed in the equipment and steps of transcatheter edge to edge mitral valve repair with MitraClip device and instructed on trouble shooting difficult mitral anatomies. |
10:30-11:30 a.m. | Workshop: ICE
Room: Riviera B Instructors: Edwin Ho, MD and Elliot Elias, MD Description: Attendees will be instructued in using 3D and 4D ICE imaging for LAA, mitral and tricuspid interventions. |
2:00-3:00 p.m. | Workshop: PERT
Room: Riviera A Instructors: Carlos Alfonso, MD, Mauricio Cohen, MD and Gabriel Hernandez, MD Description: Attendees will be instructed in various techniques and interventions for pulmonary embolism. |
3:30-4:30 p.m. | Workshop: Left Atrial Appendage Closure
Room: Riviera B Instructors: Brijeshwar Maini, MD and Ramon Quesada, MD Description: Attendees will be instructed in equipment and steps of left atrial appendage closure with various devices, and instructed on trouble shooting on various difficult left atrial anatomies. |
*The scientific program is subject to change.